Monday, September 3, 2007

Trials & Baguettes

Have just spent three days at Burghley.
When you look past the dosh-posh who are generally a bunch of ignorant intolerant snobs, you see the real old money who know how to be civil to the workers and volunteers around the site. Sadly the former outnumber the latter many times over. It really is an eye opener as to the disparity in wealth in this country when you see security guards from Doncaster on six quid an hour guarding Purdey shotguns at £75,000 + VAT or Horseboxes for £235,000. As first aid volunteers we are well looked after by the organisers, plenty of food vouchers and our own tea wagon. The trouble was that the only stalls that would take the vouchers were the curry & chip stall or the baguette sellers. The baguettes were great, especially the chicken tikka, but after three days........... As to the first aid side it was a fairly quiet time, which is always good in one way but can make for a boring time in others. It isn't that we want anyone to get hurt or ill but on the other hand it is good to be able to use our skills

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